God's Hip-Hop Paradise
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Keep up on all that 's happenin' in Holy Hip Hop!
The WORDDa WHOLE Truth!!!God's WORD

from God FOREVER when we die!

Through the ages people have tried many ways ta bridge the gap between us and God.

They tried doin' good things...
They tried bein' "religious"...
They tried meditation...
They tried punishin' themselves for their sin!

But none of these ways could bridge the gap--none of these ways could get rid of our sins!!!

We were jacked! Until God did what we couldn't do! He sent His Son Jesus ta live the perfect life we couldn't and ta pay the price for our sins through His death.

Jesus died on a cross for the sins of the world!

But that's not all He did! He rose again from dead ta defeatthe ultimate consequence of our sin --death.

Read on!